For my fellow NICU parents: How often did you visit?

My baby was born a month ago and was in the NICU a week after he was born. I also had severe PP pre-e. My husband and I stayed about 12 hours a day and at night my mom would come stay with my son. I had severe anxiety about leaving him. I think me staying 12+ hours per day (and not letting him be unattended at night) was partially due to PPA. Everyone processes things differently and finds different ways to comfort themselves. For me it was being able to see that my son was okay with my own eyes.

I think it’s import to also note that my husband and I were both on parental leave and we didn’t have any other children at home. Many families simply can’t stay all day because they have to work or have other kids or take care of. On top of that having a baby in the NICU is sooo hard and very mentally taxing spending all day there. Do what feels right.

/r/NewParents Thread