For Some Trump Loyalists, It's Personality Over Policy: "many of Trump's staunchest supporters seem unconcerned about his apparent policy shifts"

Trump's most fevered nose to the floor acolytes are so addled by sheer stupidity and industrial strength cognitive dissonance that their bumblefuck messiah could urinate directly into their faces and they would never wash them again.

They are so thoroughly invested that they would follow him off of a cliff.

We saw the same thing play out on a much smaller scale in Toronto with the tragic Rob Ford, another silver spoon up the ass "man of the people" right wing populist moron. In many ways, Trump is Ford writ large.

His sycophantic followers were dubbed by Ford himself as "Ford Nation". Like the hapless Trumpkins, Ford's followers were constantly having to defend the indefensible, retreating further and further away from encroaching objective reality with each fresh horror. Like Trump, Ford was at war with "the media", and like Trump, he banned major news outlets from anything he could.

Here's the scary part: Ford get elected. See, a former Conservative premiere of Ontario forced the city of Toronto to join with several boroughs, creating a "megacity" (this despite staging a referendum where the "no" vote was overwhelming). This was effectively gerrymandering: the progressive core of the old city was suddenly outflanked by the suburbs.

I am sure many remember that krazy fat guy mayor of Toronto doing the talk show circuit, high on the notoriety his big crack scandal and other embarrassments earned him. To enumerate his mind blowing antics here would be impossible, as reddit doesn't allow that many characters. Suffice to say that the infamous video of him smoking crack and ranting incoherently is but one data point in a universe of execrable behavior.

No matter how many awful things happened, his followers denied everything until it was impossible to do so any more. He still has stroke, even after dying of cancer: his clearly half-witted 20 year old nephew has secured Ford's old city council seat he held before becoming mayor, and his troglodyte loud mouth douche-bag of an older brother is getting set to re-enter local politics.

Do yourselves a favor: do not elect this braying imbecile. You must utterly destroy his political aspirations and salt the earth where you bury them.

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