"Former ugly men of Reddit, how did you clean up?" After a seemingly innocuous question is posed in /r/askmen, users look in the OP's post history to find a troubling theme.

if he thinks he's so ugly that he's worthless then that's his fucking problem.

So what if it's his problem?

Some people just like feeling sorry for themselves. I did too.

Don't be so arrogant as to think you you understand what he's going through, or that your personal experience means it's okay to act like a judgmental asshole.

I'm fucking ugly and at times I feel like a useless piece of shit. But instead of blaming ugliness or luck and feeling sorry for myself I recognize my faults and try to be a better person.

Does being a "better person" mean treating other people like garbage for having legitimate mental health problems?

Being ugly sucks, but so does missing a leg or being poor or having an abusive father or a million other things. Being for things you can't control is stupid.

Of course, the "you shouldn't be depressed because other people have it worse fallacy. Suffering is subjective - you can't measure someone's pain from the outside.

Nobody exists on purpose. Nobody belongs anywhere. Everybody's gonna die. Go watch TV. Love yourself, goddammit.

"Love yourself"! Wow can't believe none of us thought of that. It's so bloody simple!

And I know what I'm saying does not help.

Then why fucking say it? Is this still you trying to be a "better person", because that would be laughable.

Edit: telling a depressed person "man, how sad." Does not help.

Don't act like you know what helps depressed people, because you have no fucking clue. I'm diagnosed with major depression, and hearing people express compassion and empathy does help, infinitely moreso than oversimplified "tough love" non-advice like yours.

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