Former "weird kids" or people who were bullied in school. What is your life like now? And how has it affected you?

I was horse girl in elementary school, unfortunately unattractive in middle school, and a social butterfly in high school who had no REAL friends outside of school hours (but I had 32DDs and that was nice). I went to school in a super small town where our chief export was meth and most people were born and died in that town. I came from a very wealthy single dad who ran his own business. We moved into town from a large city. My dad has multiple college degrees including Masters degrees, and I was always naturally pretty smart. In middle school I was bullied for being a 4.0 student and looking like a fucking beaver but I had a popular best friend so that helped. High school i became fairly attractive and my huge boobies came in, but was bullied for always doing the right thing (fuck me for thinking we shouldn't pick on the new substitute teacher and respect them as a leader, right?), being smart, and having more money than the other kids. I remember my dad buying me a car and being so excited. I didn't say anything though because I learned in middle school that the other kids weren't as well off as me, so I was pretty humble. One of my friends ran up to me during soccer practice screamed and hugged me yelling "congrats on your new car!!"

Turns out the car my dad bought me was the one that one of the popular girls was saving up for through her burger flipping job. How the fuck was I supposed to know? That was a fun year of being completely alienated by most people after that. I ended up taking college courses during my last two years of high school and graduated with my diploma and my AAS. So then I was bullied for "acting better than everyone else."

I just couldn't fucking win. After high school I moved back to a large city, got a bunch of REAL friends, went to one of the better colleges in our state, and then partied for a long time. I had developed body dysmorphic disorder in middle school and was diagnosed bipolar type 2 as well, and didn't know how to cope and finally exploded inside during college. Partied a lot. Flunked a lot of classes. Got my shit together enough to graduate after being diagnosed with ADD and receiving medication.

After college I learned how fucking difficult it was to get a job. Went back into a deep depression and drank my way through the last few years. Abusive relationships, dead end jobs, etc. Finally started to truly get my shit together last year. I've got two great jobs right now to build my resume, a fantastic new boyfriend who is probably the best person I've ever been fortunate enough to be close to in my life, and great plans for the future. Also working hard on my body to build my self confidence.

Being bullied ruins all sense of self worth. In my case it caused me to develop mental illness (the Body dysmorphic disorder) that became a huge issue and is still prevalent in my thoughts today at 26 years old. It's hard to bud self esteem when you had none for so many years.

/r/AskReddit Thread