Found this comment and i can 100% Agree. I May not be a PC player but If Ninja wants to complain about aim assist, Than I’m going to complain about PC. Post Your Opinion If you Want.

I mean aim assist is powerful, my comment will get downvoted, but any decent player, including controller players admit that it is. There's literally a clip of a guy tracking an enemy without touching his controller. That's not fair. It's also proven that controller has less bloom, and recoil than kbm. I'm not saying its aimbot, the player behind the screen has to actually have good aim for it to even be an issue, that's if their on PC. But in the right hands, aim assist is so powerful. Just look at players like Scoped who can tag someone for over 150 as they hit a launch pad. Stop using the whole "YoU HaVe An ArM" Debate, most people don't even use their arms to aim because their sens is too, it's literally impossible to use ur arm to aim if ur sens is high enough, so we use our wrist. The only time I will ever use my arm is if I'm building/editing or going for a crazy flick. If u use ur arm, u okay on a low sens. Also, building debate is dead as well. Controller players have build and editing sens. Faze Sway builds faster than most kbm players. Don't bring it up, I'm not saying everyone can be as fast as him, but it is possible. To end this, aim assist is strong on the right hands, also sbmm and forced cross play suck, I get it. It's not going, though. So quit whining about it, u can't tell people to stop complaining about certain things and then fill the fortnite subreddit with post complaining about and/or making memes about how bad sbmm and/or forced cross play is.

/r/FortNiteBR Thread Link -