I Have Found A Trend in LFG Groups On WoTM.

This is totally different from my experience today.

I started a group looking to not do Aksis challenge mode, since that is almost always a large investment and I just want my book completed. Don't get me wrong, the weapons are nice, but I'm not going to fret over getting an elemental weapon that isn't going to appear in year two.

We do Vosik part 1 and there is some issues, but I figured it was because were joking around, went in a person short and so forth. Vosik part 2 though, that was a nightmare.

The first couple of times we have fundamental issues. Typically problems killing a captain. I told right side to switch with me because someone over there died multiple times to the captain and there was a fight about how they can do it and I am being a tyrant. After that run, where the person complaining died in the middle, someone left, his friend left and I just kicked him to find something better.

From there I proceeded to add and replace people for the next two hours, with just about every group having someone who couldn't stay alive before the first damage phase. I eventually got sick of it and just jumped to a group at Aksis and opted to do the challenge so I could, at the very least, swipe the checkpoint.

Four runs later we easily beat Aksis and I shake my head at how easy that proved, yet I couldn't find five people who could beat Vosik CM.

/r/DestinyTheGame Thread