Fox News' Shep Smith firmly dismantles Trump's unfounded claims about 'Spygate'

You have to call a good call good.

Him speaking for Fox News was the best thing he could have done. We always talk about the bubble those Foxe News watchers live in, and this happened within that bubble. That's good.

Things are getting wackier on the Trump front. This, along with things like Rosanne getting backlash from some famous conservatives. It's a start.

I think the scales are starting to see some movement. Trump has always been a trend. His entire presidency has been played like a trend. Those buzzwords, the mantra-like parroting, the people who see it as a sport. It's all powered by a trend mentality. The steam will run out...

Then we can go back to just being mildly irritating liberals and conservatives. People that don't disown family because of people that will never even know their names.

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