Fraternity pursuing legal action against Rolling Stone

She apologized for having the facts wrong not for how she went about it.

Everyone makes mistakes

Her mistake was being a jackass and personally attacking people for not instantly accepting something is true because someone claimed it is. Her mistake was writing an entire article to talk shit about specific writers and their opinions.

Whether the story was true in the first place is irrelevant, her actions were disgusting through and through. The apology only came after she found out she was wrong about the original story not because she was wrong in how she acted.

The apology she mentions on her twitter

This is really, really bad. It means, of course, that when I dismissed Richard Bradley and Robby Soave's doubts about the story and called them "idiots" for picking apart Jackie's account, I was dead fucking wrong, and for that I sincerely apologize. It means that my conviction that Sabrina Rubin Erdely had fact-checked her story in ways that were not visible to the public was also wrong. It's bad, bad, bad all around. (And, frankly, it could have been avoided, had Erdely been clearer in her disclosures about what she'd done to reach Jackie's alleged attackers and what her agreement with the girl had been. This announcement wouldn't be producing nearly the same shockwaves if those things had been clearly outlined.)

She doesn't give a flying fuck that what she did herself was wrong, she only cared that the side she blindly supported was wrong. She even goes on to say that things could have been avoided and tries to put the blame on the original author. That is entirely hypocritical and her article was something that never should have been posted in the first place.

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