Free Talk Friday - May 18th

So my mother died giving birth to me, and I have no idea who my father is. I was the shortest kid in the orphanage, and all the other kids bullied me. I didn't really understand much of the school subjects. What's the highest number of 4 or 5? I still have no idea until this age. People always said to me that it got better once I got older, and that kept me going. As I got older, and could make more choices for myself, I didn't really know what I wanted to do with my life, so I just took random subjects in school. It was when I discovered League of Legends everything changed. People can make money just playing a video game and streaming it in front of people? I was set to become good at the game so I could make my own stream. Well, I later realized that I suck at this game. I failed at everything I did in my life except one thing: meming about Hashinshin on Reddit. I think meming about Hashinshin is the purpose of my existense.

/r/leagueoflegends Thread