Free Talk Friday

Part of my prenup is that Eagles games take precedence over any life event. Failure to comply negates any support or liability in divorce, regardless of children had during Union. Failure to recognize football as a sacred event nullifies any substantial claim of neglect and proof of tampering on sacred day requires alimony paid to the husband for emotional distress in an amount that would be deemed priceless , no less than 1000$ per Sunday, per infraction. Negatively speaking football and / or sacred day results in forfeiture of any said belongings shared or obtained in the marriage. Criticism or insulting of current roster or those deemed worthy by the following party xxxxx xxxxxx will be considered as verbally abusive and subject to those laws as prescribed by the state as spousal harassment . I furthermore declare that football day ( when the Eagles play) , is a religious holiday and should you xxx xxxxx interfere , sabotage or infringe on such a holiday, you will wave your rights of any stake or claim to xxxx xxxxx 's estate.

/r/nfl Thread Parent