Free Talk Friday: Holiday Edition

So guys I just gotta get this off my chest I'm so excited and I just need to talk to some people about this. I really should use a throwaway because I have friends on Reddit who know my username and stalk my reddit page who don't know a lot of the details but I don't really care. If you're reading this Davis, Alex, or Riley, go fuck yourselves you stalking cunts (with much love). Also a shit load of text inbound.

So, in case you guys ever wondered, I'm 16, an 11th grader in high school and I've always been that kid who's always playing Xbox and never really went to school outings and dances and stuff. I didn't really have any interest in girls and none had any interest in me. The most romantic thing I had ever done was help Tali'Zorah vas Normandy retake Rannoch in Mass Effect 3.

But however, this past Friday a girl in my class had a birthday party and she's friends with some of my guy friends and she invited me. Small stuff, just a couple of people at a bowling alley for a game or two. There ended up being 8 of us, me, 4 of my guy friends, the birthday girl, a friend of hers that goes to our school, and then one who didn't go to our school and I had never met her before.

We bowled (bowled a 93 the first time and a 42 the second el-oh-fucking-el) and then went to dinner and then we decided to go to the birthday girl's house. Three of my guy friends decide to go back and I wanted to (because I had planned to try and beat the whole Mass Effect series between that day and Christmas because I do shit like that) but something told me not to. So I go and me and this chick who I've never met before, let's just call her X, really hit it off. Like really. We're watching these cheesy Hallmark movies just guessing where it's going next and we're having a blast. Unfortunately because I'm still on my provisional license I have to book it at 10:30 because I can't be out after 11. In this I forget to ask for this girls phone number. Fuck.

So I wake up the next morning and I'm desperately trying to get some info. I only have her first name, which is a relatively common name, and no last name so I'm so fucking boned. However, like 5 pm the next day, I get a text from X, "Hey there _masterofdisaster, just want to thank you for the fun time last night!" FUCK YES! I don't know how she got my phone number but she did! So we start texting and we totally hit it off again. She goes "Haha you're really fun to watch movies with," and I go "Oh really?" and she goes "Haha we should watch a movie together". Now, my whole life I've been deathly afraid of not picking up on hints like this but I DID this time! I accept! A little later on I ask " this like a date?" and she goes "Well, yeah I was thinking it was going to be. Do you want it to be?" and I'm like "yes!"

So fastforward to Monday night, we've been texting like nonstop for 2 days and we have a movie date to see the new Star Wars. I tell her "do you want to see a guy movie though?" and she goes "nah I like a lot of guy movies, I'd love to see Star Wars!' FUCK YES. I do the normal thing, buy us tickets, get us a popcorn, sit down next to each other.

Now I won't be spoiling Star Wars here other than it's length (which is 2:17, deal with it). We're both just watching it and eating popcorn for the first hour but after that I want to hold her hand. I swear she wants me to with her body language but I'm not entirely sure. I'm debating this for like 20 minutes and I make up my mind to do it but I can't fucking move my hand. I just can't. However, I just suddenly do it like 10 minutes later. I just grab her hand, and she grasps on even tighter. Holy shit, I'm so ecstatic!

When the movie ended, we were just holding hands and we watched most of the credits, not being able to move. Eventually we got up, sat on a bench outside and talked for like half an hour until she was ready to go. We've had another date since then which also went really well.

So I just want to apologize but I had to get all of this off my chest. I haven't spoken to anyone about this in as great of detail as I have here. There's no tree fiddy, no Rick Astley, no OJ Mayo sex stories at the end (sorry). I also just kinda sat down and wrote this all out quickly so I'm probably glossing over some details. I'm just so bursting with excitement and energy right now I had to tell someone.

/r/nba Thread