French Girl Marries Chinese Dude - says they don't need money when they've got each other. Internet rejoices. - 法国姑娘倒追苏州小伙 结婚不要车房

You complain about foreigners not assimilating in your home countries (Hispanics, Asians, Arabs, etc) but yet you refuse to do it in another country?

I do? Looks like you're arguing with another strawman, here.

The thing is, as an ethnic non-caucasian person, myself and many other people of other races have noted the racist behaviors of people such as yourself.

What behavior of mine are you referring to specifically, here? Or are you just arguing with another white male boogeyman in your imagination?

At some point, you have to realize that you are the one being racist

Again, how am I being racist?

your behavior is an attempt to divide and control members of another race.

rofl, sure, I'm trying to "divide and control" an ethnicity with 1.3 billion members by advocating that a handful of women be allowed to date and marry who they choose without being verbally or physically accosted. How dare I?!

There's a reason why you go to Asia. Because blacks and hispanics will not tolerate attitudes like this.

I've never been to Asia, chief.

Not superior. THEIRS. It belongs to them. It's who they are.

The proper way to go about things, for us Asians at least, because we're not savages, is that we pass down the cultures, values, traditions, language of our people.

So you're trying to protect your culture from savages. Sounds pretty racist to me.

The male is generally the one that passes down culture/tradition/values/beliefs and the woman supports the husband in that endeavor. The woman's role is to give their child the best possible chance in the future and therefore education and career is what she encourages to her child.

Oh, look, more sexist dribble.

You also sidestepped the fact that they lose their traditions, values, beliefs, etc. In the United States, that's actually A BIG MINUS.

Did I? I'm pretty sure that

Being racist or sexist are liberal and feminist concepts. They are western in nature. These concepts are foreign to Asians in Asia because each country, it's people are generally homogeneous.

And yet here you are flinging around accusations of racism.

By parrotting these concepts and fighting for social justice, you are bringing leftism to a country that does not have it. In fact you are IMPOSING leftism.

Holy shit, did you just say that I'm "bringing leftism" to a country whose government is Marxist-Leninist in nature? ROFL

How in the world do you expect to be treated when you go to OTHER PEOPLES countries and changing their entire outlook on things?

I'm in the U.S., posting on an American website. I think you've gotten a bit turned around.

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