What would a Hillary/Elizabeth ticket look like against Trump?

So let’s say you ostensibly have a democratic system where citizens are able to vote in a majority election who will by law and agreement be their leader.

Anyone able to communicate their intent to represent an overwhelming majority of the people in that system will undoubtably win.

And yet, election after election, it is nearly split down the middle. Why is that?

How can there be a population where 80% is very similar in education, finances, familiar social leanings, and yet every majority election is closer to 55/45? Your neighbor down the street is likely just like you, and yet you vote differently than him, or he you. How does that happen?

The finance that powers elections and moves armies across nationals doesn’t care one iota whether or not Jane used to be a man or what bathroom she prefers using. The don’t grieve one second for a closed factory while riding the elevator between the 98th and 99th floor.

So how is it, with 80% of the population able to vote minority interests out of office in a majority election system - how does the minority marching toward global consolidation never tire?

The money behind armies and elections are neither liberal nor conservative. They may support a wind farm in Texas or social outreach in St. Louis, but as a siloed power they have one core interest:

Ensuring the majority, who could easily vote to stop war or make first time mortgages pegged at 1% interest never realize who they are really voting for or against.

You pick a player who will represent you and paint them in whatever social color suits you, then you pick another and paint them some other color.

Then through fear of what’s different, you flank the majority from two different sides, convincing them what’s to their right and to their left is a danger, and you offer them a defense against it.

So the majority recoils against one side or the other, and fights against their own majority in the middle.

But the leader of one side is painted one color, the leader of the other side painted the other. And strangely one side’s threat is painted exactly same color as the leader of the other! What a strange coincidence.

So yes, you could say Soros and Sussman are liberals. They are on your side. They are just like you.

The other side thinks something similar. Their titans are the same as them, and to them you are the one evil and different.

Meanwhile his hero and your hero give a knife to your brother, then a knife to your sister and watch as you blindfold each other.

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