French student needs help on deciding next move

From my current understanding of your post, you have lots of current personnal problems still, that you are trying to run away from by changing university.

UK won't be magically easier. You will still have the same issues after you move. Fix them now, don't avoid them.

Nobody in a healthy state of mind studies from 8 to 23. Not even in medical school. And there's no way in hell you're even productive for more than 8 of these hours.

You say you don't have time for your passions and social life; well fucking make time for them. The key to sucess in the long run is loving what you do and having a balanced schedule. If you can't put in sports, social, working out, and fun into your weekly schedule, then you are doing college very wrong. And your mental health will take a serious toll.

So quit it with your pipe dream. Other countries don't just "do homework easier". That's a load of bs. Your friends in the UK just balance their studying well. Work on dealing with your stress. Make a balanced schedule. Have fun. Then after you come out as a zen, hardworking, life-loving student, you can start looking to move to another country.

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