Frequency of the word 'Racism' in New York Times articles, chronologically

I sorta agree and I'm a SJW.

There's a lot of downsides that only non-whites living in a majority-white society experience. Little things like always being asked "where are you from?" or "can I touch your hair?" serve to make you feel like a perpetual outsider, even if the intention of the speaker is innocent. Calling this "racism" is always going to set off a heated debate on whether it fits the definition, but IMO it's a useless argument over semantics. But what should we call it then? White people take just as much offense to the term "microaggressions," which was coined to describe this type of racial experience that may fall short of "racism."

IME most people who object to minorities discussing their experiences with race don't care about the definition of racism or microaggressions. They just want us to stop talking.

That said, a lot of the time non-whites don't care if their message is "acceptable" to white people. We just want to bitch about living in a white society because the shit wears on you day after day.

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