Friday - quick advice

OMG this anxiety is killing me today. I have a throbbing headache from freaking out and obsessing over how much communication has changed with the guy I’m seeing in the last week. He’s been texting a lot less and very slow to respond, which is so different from how he’s been the 2.5 months we’ve been together, and his tone seems a bit biting and cold. He also seems barely interested in me, when normally he asks about my day and my feelings and such.

Here’s the stupid part- he had family issues this week that have been time consuming and stressful so I KNOW there’s a justifiable reason for the difference right now. The logical part of me knows I’m being ridiculous and self-centered for even thinking about it. But the emotional part of me is going cuckoo and assuming it means he’s lost interest. Time to go find a distraction and meditate!

/r/datingoverthirty Thread