Make a friend! June Edition

Sorry this is late but let’s give it a go :)

First name: Starts with a C (I’ll tell ya if we’re ever close)

Nickname: (don’t really have one)

Age: 16/17 ish

Gender: Female

From: USA

Interests: well im still sorta figuring out what I like. Not completely sure. I like spending time with family and traveling with them. I like reading psychology facts and nonfiction books. I like the show Everybody Loves Raymond and Cheers. I’m into some oldies music as well as indie/folk music.

Favorite subreddits: R/psychology, r/applyingtocollege, r/infj, r/socialskills, r/warriors (new to the subreddit), r/science

Dislike: being alone in the dark, my own personality :,)

Pet Peeves: loud chewing, ignorance

Partner/Pets/Kids: r/forever alone / a rabbit before / kids? nice (some of them)

Worst type of people: people who think too highly of themselves; people who don’t care about others

Best type of people: altruistic, empathetic; conscious of themselves

Things we could talk about: school, making friends, loneliness, the Warriors (sad that they lost but they put all their heart out in the game), social awkwardness

Things I’m terrible at talking about: gaming (I’ve never really tried it so I can’t say anything about it); I’m pretty awkward so it’s understandable if we don’t talk anymore after a few conversations

Contact: Reddit’s good :)

[i will probably delete this later due to privacy reasons]

/r/lonely Thread