Friendly neighbor at the poker table

He was being friendly w the guy next to him and showing his cards while playing the hand. The player wanted to muck his cards to avoid giving away information because he thought he lost. But since he was illegally showing his cards to guy next to him, the other guy helped him read his hand and let him know he ended up making a straight. If there are 4 spades on the board someone not in the hand shouldn’t say check to see if you have a spade before you throw your cards in. If he just put his cards up, it’s ok to point out what he has. It’s even ok to just say show your hand. If I say he called so I want to see his cards or he showed the neighbor so I want to see, his cards play and I don’t complain. If you think there is nothing wrong w the neighbor’s help, we disagree. The dealer agreed w me however and warned the other player about it.

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