From 1.2K to 3.8K solo MMR in a year.

Why intelligence split pushers why not Lycan or Brood?

I know I'm still 3k bracket and it's outrageous of me to say "everyone is wrong" but I actually do think that Lycan and Brood are only good split pushers when the enemy team doesn't have a way to deal with them (I guess you can say this about all split pushers) I have always viewed Brood as a ganker who can take over the enemy jungle and Lycan as a snowball Carry. I think it is important to have a unique view of heroes and the game, even when you are low MMR, let people and experience change your mind, but never just accept what people say about a hero. Form your opinions and understandings on your own.

Can you elaborate on the silly music and creative problem solving you talk about?

I have a playlist of so-called Exotica music. Martin Denny, Les Baxter, Monster Ralley, etc. I find it calms me and also helps me take things less seriously! As for creative problem solving it's just that I realized that when I was raging I was very stubborn and always trying to do the same thing over and over. Whenever I was winning I realized I was having fun and being creative, I think that is a big part of the snowball effect is feeling free to do what you want. I try to maintain that freedom of choice even when I'm losing, it is very easy to mentally feel oppressed when losing a game of DoTA or at least it was for me.

How do you deal with the "wall" I come across when trying to split push to end games which is the T2 and T3 towers being so significantly harder to push than the Tier 1s??

This wall definitely exists but you have high ground wards on both sides of the map for T2 that lets yous see incoming ganks/TP. Buy your own wards if you have to and do make sure to ask for these wards. T3 towers especially as a Tinker are virtually impossible to do anything to. On other heroes, you just have to make sure the enemies are properly distracted and have ways to deal with the people who are going to TP to stop you, or at the very least make it not worth their time.


Linkens, Glimmer, BKB, Wards. It's an annoying hero sure. As a NP against an SB I will typically get a Linkens 1st of 2nd item. I've been told this is trashy but it's what works for me.

Why didn't you watch your winning replays?

I think its easy to masturbate to winning replays where you weren't punished for mistakes than it is to watch yourself do stupid shit and see enemies who outplayed you and how they are playing. Watching all replays takes too much time so I just decided to watch only the ones I lost.

Also: LOL How bad was your rage?

Pretty bad, I come from an Italian family where we yell at each other alot, in a loving way. My anger is pretty fierce and usually well-intentioned although I do remember a few times where I told players on my team to kill themselves :\ or to go sit in the well and abandon :. I think my rage is humorous to some people, like some people would queue with me just to hear me rage but it wasn't helping me as a player.

What heroes are you playing now? What are you finding success with and what isn't working for you?

I'm currently trying to learn Invoker in unranked.

What do you think will be your next breakthrough that gets you past 4k?

One thing holding me back is definitely my ability to teamfight optimally. Especially with multiple activateable items, I get panicky and make mistakes alot or make suboptimal plays that can be really game-losing.

Have you noticed your teammates getting better as your MMR has increased?

I think my supports are less greedy and more mobile but equally clueles and my carries are equally clueless when it comes to itemization but more reliable farmers. Gankers are much more punishing than they were at 1k bracket overall that's where I'd say the biggest difference is. They'll buy dust, they'll buy their own wards, they know where everyone is and what HP you are at and they will punish you.

Do you have a DOTABUFF?

See above

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