Want to go from 163lbs to 176. What’s a realistic timeframe?

Gaining lean mass definitely requires a calorie surplus, but many people don't talk enough about pushing yourself, in the gym. You can eat and gain all you want, but if your routine sucks or you're just half-assing it in the gym, your results will also suck and/or be half-assed. You didn't mention whether or not you're a beginner to lifting or not, so nobody can give you 100% tailored advice.
I'll say this, if you're brand new to lifting, try to eat around maintenance for a few weeks, while starting up in the gym. You'll need some time to learn the movements and let your body learn to adapt and utilize the strength it already possesses (this is largely what "noob gains" are).

As for the actual weight gain, I'd aim for .5 - .75 lb per week. I believe there's no point in gaining too much and putting on excess amounts of fat.
I'm considering making a post about this, but another thing people fail to mention; your ability to really see your progress is very much dependent on your starting body fat level. Somebody that starts off as a skeleton has room to gain some fat, so they'll usually look a lot better at the end of a bulk. If you start off chubby, it's likely the case that you'll end the bulk still chubby, regardless of the lean mass that's been added.

/r/gainit Thread