Fuck job postings that are secretly sales jobs.

Guessing you mean you started a tech job? I was in pest control for a long time. I present well so often times I'd interview for a tech job and get bait-n-switched with sales jobs. Even tech jobs often lean on the guys to upsell. Me, I just wanted to spray houses and go home.

Pest control as a business is unique. The reality is most customers could get away with 1 or 2 sprays per year and keep things under control; many would be better off with one-time services, even though those are priced higher. Companies go for contracted regular sprays because it provides consistent income. People frequently drop when their contract ends because they don't need as much as they're getting. Dropped customer means you need a new customer. Hence, sales.

In southern California and AZ, the trend is for Mormons to buy/start pest control companies, and then hire returning missionaries for door-to-door sales. They're used to getting doors slammed in their face. These companies are making a fortune.

I don't know what your experience level is on the tech side, but if the industry seems okay to you, learn the sales aspect as you go, then get an operator's license and start your own shop. Bug People to Business People is a good intro for moving from being a bug guy to running a shop.

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