I fucked up by talking to a Neo-Nazi at the Gym

I came from that culture, not the neo nazi culture, but the criminal culture.

This dude looked at you and decided there's a good chance you can give him something he wants. Either your money or underage girls.

If you give this guy an inch, he will take a mile. Your gut was right that you don't want to deal with him at all. Once he gets you doing whatever he wants you to do, he will manipulate you to make sure you don't stop.

My advice is this: You need to be assertive, but not in a disrespectful way. Tell him no on everything...EVERYTHING. You don't want a tattoo, you don't want testosterone, hell, you don't even want a free car if that's what he's offering. You're crazy for giving this dude your number.

If you want to tell him to stop texting you, tell him in person at the gym. Make up whatever excuse you want as to why he needs to do that. This will show him you're not afraid of him.

Secondly, he's not going to kill you. Once again, he wants stuff you have. You can't bring him stuff if you're dead.

Also, worst case scenario: Let's say this guy does want to kill you.

I've had 3 attempts on my life. I stopped them all the same way. You make the guy who's going to kill you aware that they will get caught.

Nobody really tells you they're going to kill you like in the movies and gives you a chance to try to escape or plead for your life. Normally, you won't know it until someone puts a moonroof in your skull.

Here's what happened to me one of the times I almost got killed. My "friend" went with my car to go get some weed, and he left me with these Neo Nazis with tattoos on their face. They were doing coke.

They had a gun between the couch cushions and I pretended like I didn't see it. They told me to do a line of coke (obviously when I leaned over it was lights out for me). I said no to the coke, calmly whipped out my phone and called my mom. I told her where I was at, who I was with, and started describing random shit to her.

One of the guys walks out of the guys gets on the phone and tells my "friend" to come back with the car because he's "not gunna do it".

Shit like that can save your life. Tell the guy you mentioned him to your parents or something. If he knows your parents know what he looks like he may back off completely.

/r/Advice Thread