Le vent que je sème en tartine

Love isn't enough. They chose to leave. Lines of communication are closed. Even if they love me, they will never trust my words anymore. That's why they're written in the void. I deserve this ending. The only thing I can do to respect the relationship now is to become the man they wanted me to be and trust the universe that, if anything between us should happen again, we'll meet somewhere down the line. But I won't provoke this meeting, nor hope for it, nor will I look for her. I did enough damage to both of us. She deserves to heal and I need to as well. I don't know how much time it will take me and I won't keep her hostage. I want her to be happy even if it's not me. But I will never heal if I'm there to witness her being happy with someone else. We both need to move on. It's the consequences of my actions and I'm done running away, I'll face them. Even if that means we'll never speak again.

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