'Gay Panic' Is Still a Murder Defence in Some States of Australia - If you're a guy who believes you're being hit on by another guy, you can kill that guy and not face a murder charge.

From the Wiki page on GPD:

In 2010, Vincent James McGee was charged with capital murder for stabbing and killing white supremacist Richard Barrett in Mississippi.[28] McGee claimed that Barrett had dropped his pants and asked McGee to perform a sexual act on him, sending McGee into a panic.[29] McGee pleaded guilty to manslaughter, arson, and burglary on July 28, 2011. He was sentenced to 20 years on the manslaughter charge, 20 years on the arson charge, and 25 years on the burglary charge; 65 years in total

Reduction of sentence to manslaughter.

A transgender variation of the gay panic defense was also used in 2004–2005 in California by the three defendants in the Gwen Araujo homicide case, who claimed that they were enraged by the discovery that Araujo, a transgender teenager with whom they had engaged in sex, had male genitalia. Following their initial suspicions about her biological sex, Araujo was "subjected to forced genital exposure in the bathroom, after which it was announced that 'he was really a man'".[27] The defendants claimed that Araujo's failure to disclose her biological sex was tantamount to deception, and that the subsequent revelation of her biological sex "had provoked the violent response to what Thorman represented as a sexual violation 'so deep it's almost primal'".[27] The first trial resulted in a jury deadlock; in the second, defendants Mike Magidson and Jose Merél were convicted of second-degree murder, while the jury again deadlocked in the case of Jason Cazares. Cazares later entered a plea of no contest to charges of voluntary manslaughter. Despite the evidence of premeditation presented by the prosecution, the jury failed to secure first degree murder or hate crime convictions for the defendants.

No hate crime or 1st degree charge.

It's absolutely a thing here.

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