a gay student sent a resignation letter to Dallin Oaks and posted it online...

This touched home with me. Growing up in an overwhelmingly mormon community, and gay, I had not been an active member for maybe 2 or 3 years, maybe even longer?

But after the church did this, it tore me apart inside. Even though I wasn't part of the religion directly, just the feeling knowing that I'm seen that way was disheartening. The fact that some of my family members are actively LDS, after this, made me sick.

I feel like people around me view me not as an equal, even when I'm treated kindly, but as someone who is below them. I've felt like this before, and this new policy just brought back that sting even harder and more damaging. I cried a couple of times for the simple fact I feel like my environment is toxic, that no one will truly accept or love me as I am aside from family and friends.

I felt like I needed to do something. I couldn't stand by and let it make me feel like this, or allow people like me, to feel that way. I know what it's like to be closeted to your family, and especially in the face of fear of rejection. That has no doubt heightened even more for LGBT youth. I feel it even more now if and when I decide to come out publicly, aside from family and close friends. But imagine all the people that were just shoved back into the closet and locked into it because of this policy. That is so cruel and so damaging.

That's why I started that petition. And did so anonymously, under a fake name, because I am a closeted teen who fears for my own safety after emotionally and mentally experiencing the turmoil that this policy has brought onto me, and so many others it shouldn't have to happen to.

We need a counter-voice for LGBT individuals surrounded in environments that keep them locked in their closets, and shame LGBT families. We need someone to counter the overwhelming voice here, that it's not okay to be gay and who you are is wrong.

Please take a stand.

/r/exmormon Thread Link - zws.me