Gays aren't trying to ruin your religion.

I don't know if you've seen my earlier comment, but I deleted it due to being too shocked to engage in conversation after current events. However, I'm going to try and respond to you again.

First of all, I don't think you understand how hard queer Christians have worked to rid the church of homophobia. Queer Christians do not just 'ignore' the homphobic verses in the Bible. Many queer Christians have various historical or theological interpretations of the verses in question. Are you aware of process theology, or of queer theology? Are you aware that Sylvia Rivera, one of the first queer activists, was part of the Metropolitan Community Church? By claiming that these people just 'ignore' homophobic verses, you dismiss all their efforts as being in vain.

Furthermore, I don't think you can understand how much religion can change in regards to social issues. Two hundred years ago, most Christians were slave owners. One month ago, Kendrick Lamar released an album on Good Friday that likened the struggle of black to people to the passion of Christ. While I personally understand if marginalised people choose to leave the church due to bigotry and abuse, claiming that Christianity can't be seperated from said bigotry is honestly being extremely narrow-minded.

I'm a bisexual trans man, and I'm agnostic due to my Evangelical family's verbal and emotional abuse, but when I see other nonbelievers discourage queer Christians from trying to rid their religion of bigotry, I get slightly annoyed. Sure, the church doesn't welcome queer Christians as of now. That's awful. But by insisting that queer Christians deconvert, you're preventing safe spaces from being created inside the church.

(Also, as somebody who had an abusive partner that catfished me when I was thirteen, please don't compare an entire religion to these kind of people. It's very insensitive.)

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