Gender-based violence report to address ‘rape culture,’ says Conservative MP

This, for example...if applied to any other topic, this stance would essentially neuter the discussion.

Let's say the article at hand was discussing (picking a topic at random) First Nations history. Then let's say someone decided that they wanted to discuss (again, totally random) Quebecois history as well and began posting ad nauseum about that subject in response to the article.

Both subjects are worthy of discussion, and both subjects are (at least superficially) similar. But one is relevant to the article at hand, while the other is detracting; one is on-topic, and the other is off-topic and derailing.

Removing the off-topic comments from the conversation would not "effectively neuter" the discussion (interesting choice of words there btw, lol). If anything, removing the off-topic comments would only help to focus the remaining conversation upon the article.

If you are interested in discussing men's issues, feel free to find relevant articles and share them, or craft your own post and share it with the forum. For example, I am also very interested (and personally invested) in men's issues, and I had no difficulty finding two interesting and relevant articles today which I've shared with the excellent subscribers of this subreddit.

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