Generational Difference.

No, that guy’s an idiot. Unranked didn’t have skill-based matchmaking if that’s what you wanted to do. What the matchmaking system did was increase wait times, assign roles and introduce penalties for leaving. Before that, people hopped in and out of games at will, played whatever class they liked and often chose to fuck around rather. Teams would spend entire games conga-lining across the map rather than actually fighting each other. If you joined a game and your team is getting blown out, you could just hop right back off and join another one. People rarely ever raged, because there was no reason to. There were no stakes, it was pure fun. Nobody needed a fucking medal to tell them how special they were. Valve called it a hat simulator because people cared more about collecting funny hats then whether they won or lost. There was nothing like it and I doubt there ever will be anything like it ever again.

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