Germany Shines Light on Rape by Troops Who Beat Nazis - New research by a German academic alleges that rape by U.S., British, French and Canadian forces was more commonplace than previously believed.

It's like if the US had a 'contingency' to shoot 60% of the population of Quebec and make the rest move to Alberta, just so we could have access to that land for the foreseeable future.

So what if they did? Why does it matter? Are you going to stop the Americans?

What is the difference between the two besides the morality you're choosing to attach to Generalplan Ost?

You can't make any kind of reasonable comparison between plans like that, and contingencies like "If things go very sour in the South China Sea, we'll nuke the Chinese".

yes, you absolutely can. I think that nuking cities and letting the civilian population die like flies as the supporting infrastructure of their country burns around them is hardly different than rounding up people to be deported and executing some of them so your people can move in. What do you think happens after a nuclear exchange? Do you think there is a plan after that? Of course there is. It may very well include long-term occupation or the settlement of Americans or American allies in those areas. And so what if it does? It's doubtful that either you or I will around to argue much about it.

What is the difference between the Germans rounding up Jews and other undesirables and the Americans rounding Japanese? Do you think that those interned Japanese would have somehow fared better had the war not gone in the direction it had? No. They would have been shot.

Taking a moral stance on a "what if" seems strange to me.

What does it get you to "what if" Generalplan Ost that the facts of historically proven events like Katyn don't?

Do you have a moral stance on Katyn? Because quite a few Americans at Nuremberg did but their voices were drowned out. Funny that. They also tortured the German defendants relentlessly ... to the point that they were willing to take the blame for the wholesale slaughter of 25K Polish military officers at Katyn. Do you think that was morally right knowing now that the Soviets did it? What else did they lie about? Who knows ...

Patton definitely took a moral stance on what was happening to German POWs at the hands of Allies and what they should have done to stop the Soviets ... and, well, we all see where that got him. So, maybe that's why you and so many others are so willing to accept as truth everything presented to you.

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