Girl bye! We see right through you and your PR team Kyle. Get her off my screen Bravo!

“I consider Sutton a close friend” Kyle sees her FFF ship is sinking quick and is scurrying to swim and grab onto the popular girls boat. Also regarding the Erika situation, your dumbass stoner husband said he thought it was great that she did that, not that she was relaxed and drinking, that it was great she told Garcelle’s son to fuck off and you laughed so obviously you weren’t just talking about Erika being drunk being funny, you were talking about what she did. Also “we had never seen Erika drink like that,” sooo is it an issue or was she having fun? Because if you consider her actions such as telling a kid to fuck off when drinking “fun” then your saying her behavior is ok. This wasn’t even a nice try this was a fucking flop of an explanation. Booo Kyle, booooooo.

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