Girls of Reddit, what are common mannerisms for a guy that screams low self confidence?

I hope you won't take this comment as meant to be bragging, but i'm pretty smart, even by smart people standards and i just wanted to weigh in with my perspective.

Work isn't really about earnings necessarily for people with high IQs.

I know people in the chemical industry(not through mensa, i'm not a member) and i could get a job paying twice or more what i'm making now, tomorrow. However, i wouldn't leave my current job for more money because i love what i do, i'm good at it, i have a solid middle class income, tremendous job security, a chill workplace and nobody above me telling me what to do that isn't at least as smart as me and that i don't personally respect.

I do research, science is very much an art and there is a tremendous amount of creativity involved in designing/carrying out experiments, building things, solving problems etc. Every study i work on is a little piece of me, it can be years of my life.

Like i was saying, for a lot of highly intelligent people in STEM, its more about the work than the money, so someone less intelligent with more business sense can make 100x what i make if they do the right things to climb the corporate ladder in a big company and are just generally still pretty smart, rational and full of good ideas.

So, yes, IQ and earning potential aren't really correlated much at IQ's beyond the top 2%(which is what 130+ IQ means, but the reason's aren't really straight-forward and its not because people at Mensa can't connect you to good jobs, its just the jobs may not be the highest paying jobs. They may be satisfying in other ways.

Also, beyond a certain point, it doesn't make much difference how much more intelligent you are than the next guy. If you're 145+, statistically, you're over 1 in 100 level smart so if you're qualified and can interview well you stand out as someone who knows their shit and its easy to get offers for jobs/do well in interviews.

Even in conversations, its hard for me to tell if people i'm talking with are smarter than me because i can pretty much always follow what is going on in the conversation and know how to ask good questions to figure out how things work if i'm not familiar with the topic. I guess what i'm trying to get at is, if your IQ is 140 or 160 it doesn't matter much, you're both pretty much smart enough to do just about any job based on raw intelligence needs alone, what you actually end up doing depends mostly on what you're passionate about and what you have a particular talent for, whether its science, business or whatever else.

Just my $0.02.

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