Girls shouldn't lift weights, they'll get bulky.

1) The vast majority of people eat like factory-farm cows and don't do any exercise whatsoever.

2) "If he maxed out at [that weight], it's more than enough" is one of the dumbest sentences I've read on this site, and that's an impressive feat. More than enough for what? Him, on that day, at that weight? More than enough for your approval? For mine? What exactly are you talking about?

3) Of fucking course it's dangerous to "decide" to lift more than a person is able to lift. This is why an experienced weightlifter can safely squat 600 lbs. while your Uncle Jim might throw out his back while carrying his 30-rack of Busch Light across the parking lot. Sorry, did I miss something? Did I tell him to throw a pair of plates on his bar during his next session? I don't remember doing that. Did I do that?

Maybe you should learn how to fucking read before you go calling people's "advice" stupid. I didn't offer advice. I stated a fact, which is that 275# squat at 145# bodyweight is not a lot of weight.

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