God. Fucking. DAMN. IT.

Oh, honey, she doesn't care. And even if she did..she still doesn't care. She gets it. Just call her crying and be done with it. But you've already done that so...you're good. SHE DOESN'T CARE THAT IT IS THIS WEEKEND. She fucking doesn't. And if she does, fuck her. But don't fuck her, because she doesn't care! She is the put-it-in-the-oven-we're-beyond-caring-texas-toast of inlaws. You've already said in enough words that the world is ending. It is up to her to either make you a fucking gift basket or let it go. Those are her choices here. You hardly see her? Her choice to make it relevant. She'll either give you a gift basket, or let it slide. Either is great, both are great, but "lets' never speak of this again" is preferred. Just....don't. Give us a high five on facebook, go to bed, say nothing. That's what she should do. If she needs to do a thing, give it back next mothers day. Buy her some roses or chocolate or whatever and make it cool. It can slide for awhile. You don't have to be johnny on the spot.

/r/breakingmom Thread