This is going to get so much hate but...

Alright I heard you so hear me out, it was a bad move. Signora was killed too early. 1) She wasn’t just an antagonist, she was the first real villain we ever encountered. 2) The artifact set showed that she had some sort of tragic backstory so it would have been interesting to find out what lead her down the path she chose. But now we’ll never know. The only thing we will ever know about Signora are from a couple sentences on an artifact set. 3) Childe was given a character arc and Scaramouch is probably going to have one somewhere down the line. Does this mean Signora should have had one? No but it feels like a huge missed opportunity especially since people have said that she was one of the few, if not the only, female Harbringers.

The main problem with Signora’s death is that it was a wasted opportunity but that’s just 2.1’s story as a whole. Wasted opportunities from start to finish.

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