Going out of town in the early stages

It depends on how much communication you need to sustain interest. You are lucky in that both of you aren't very active texters, and won't read too much into an empty inbox. Maybe you can simply send light hearted things like pictures or memes to keep the good energy going? Dull small talk won't do any justice to how great the conversation is in person, and it would be easy to forget the chemistry you two have had. However, humor would be a fun and low pressure way to keep in contact.

Some people simply aren't into messages, and it doesn't portray their habits in person - at all. Honestly, I text when I feel like texting. I'm not sure if that's been completely successful for me, but calculating texts, strategizing who should text first, and reading into all of the time gaps in between will drive you crazy.

It's not just on you, I wouldn't do all of the conversation legwork - it will feel really bad for you. If you guys don't keep in contact, don't assume it's dead. I had a few dates with one guy, and he went to Los Angeles for a week for a showroom. When he came back, I was dismayed that he didn't organize anything with me when he returned - I had anticipated seeing him and rekindling things. I thought it was a complete lack of interest on his part - until he one day spontaneously showed up to my workplace to have a meal and say hello to me. I was pretty damn surprised because my inbox had been dead as hell during the whole week.

I would be weary of being clingy, but at the same time allowing yourself to be natural, and reminding him that you exist. A good rule of thumb is to do what you should be doing anyway - focusing on your life outside of that person. If you're dating other people at the same time, that helps. That distance and unavailability might work on your favor by creating positive curiosity on his end. You could experience two things - the person will become more attractive by absence, or the spark will wane.

/r/OkCupid Thread