Got anymore?

A barber is having a great day. His wife made his favorite lunch, his son brought home straight A’s, and his daughter said “dada.” Feeling wonderful and generous, he tells his last customer of the day, a baker, that his haircut and shave are on the house. The baker thanks him effusively, and leaves. The next morning, the barber finds a dozen fresh donuts on his doorstep. He’s thrilled and still in a good mood, so he once again tells his last customer, a florist, that his haircut is free. The next morning, the barber finds a dozen perfect roses on his doorstep. His wife is so delighted that she gives him a little midday love, and the barber cheerfully tells his last customer, a banker, that his haircut is on the house. The next morning, the barber finds 12 bankers on his doorstep, asking for free haircuts.

This is a great joke! Thanks for sharing.

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