Gov. Reynolds signs Iowa bill banning trans girls from women's sports

One example would be the higher bone density,

Would you actually be able to cite a study that shows trans women have high bone density and the specific advantage that gives them?

Cuz, I mean, have a few studies that say different:



And this third one shows that trans women are more likely to have a fracture than cis men or cis women:


Kind of curious how you think being more at risk of breaking your bones in a sport gives you an advantage.

our limbs are more mobile,

I'm confused. Are you a trans woman? Or are you a man? What do you mean, "our limbs are longer." Are you just assuming trans women match all the biological criteria that men do? Because that's not present in any of the literature I've read. And if you think it is, you should probably cite a study from a reputable journal.

And since we‘re talking about athletes who do a lot of training, these things will give them an advantage.

Trans girls are under 18s. They're banning people who haven't even hit puberty, so this argument doesn't hold.

That is my source, but you can just google it and get very similar if not the same results.

Your source is an organization that specifically advocates for conversion therapy. You know... that thing where they torture trans women into being men? That's not exactly credible.

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