Great video from Allied : Is Smite too Hard ?

I'm sorry. What? All I hear is a "pro" player bitching about being "pro."

I mean, he literally sits there and just says he doesn't like the game. Let's go through the video.

Disclaimer: Just about everything about this video pissed me off. The dude has no clue how to formulate his thoughts into well-spoken sentences, and he's literally complaining about every facet of what makes Smite Smite.

  • 0:55 starts complaining about "needing to know to start red buff" and how to properly do the camp.

  • 1:38 starts complaining about map layout and "needing to know enemy midlaner will always beat you to lane despite dps."

  • 2:47 undermines everything he's said by saying, "there's lots of different starts."

  • 2:52 starts talking about starting items. Complains that it's "too complex" to "have" to know that you don't need hog2 on Awilix, but for Thor you do.. "too many different starts"

  • 3:35 Complains about doing back harpy camps.

  • 4:22 complains about mid harpies spawn timer (soon to be outdated)

  • 4:53 makes uninformed statements about other mobas.

  • 6:05 Complains about laners having to watch map and account for ultimates.

  • 9:36 says there's been too much action so far, and now faces too many options because of camp respawns + being oom from ganking/mid camps. Says it's too complex.. Again.

  • 11:01 starts qq'ing about things being skillshots.

  • 11:35 starts complaining about having multiple options for which items to start with, being made harder when you consider the matchup.

Let's get rid of some of the specifics and generalize his statements a little to see what he's actually complaining about.

First, he complains, basically, that there are too many resources for mid lane and jungle to worry about. He doesn't like having to walk to get back harpies (essentially free xp and gold). He doesn't like getting to start with a damage buff before minions are in lane to kill (there's almost NO cost to this). He doesn't like that you have multiple options of which items to start with.

Secondly, he complains about what League of Legends developers call Burden of Knowledge. The thing is, though, that Burden of Knowledge usually refers to stuff like Bloodseeker's (DotA(2)) ultimate, where you take damage if you move, but there's no indication that that's the effect of the skill, so you are burdened with needing the knowledge of what the hero does beforehand.

Allied just complains that you're required to be able to judge your god vs their god and know how to build accordingly. And he complains that you need to know jungle timers so you can be in position for mid harpies. When I first started I had no clue they were such a big deal. But I quickly learned (let me re-emphasize quickly), and it's not a big deal to me anymore.

Finally, he complains about too many options on how to influence the game. He's actually complaining that there are multiple ways to play the game. Like he would prefer a meta where there's only 1, maybe 2, viable options on how to play the game. Instead of being able to choose between ganking, invading, farming, or skirmishing, he'd rather just have to sit mid and play Whack-A-Mole with minions.

To make it worse, this video uses knowledge and meta of the top rated players, and complains it's too hard for casuals. Which, by the way, if you're casual, you don't give a single shit about how quick you get to lane compared to your enemy laner, or having to get back harpies right at 1 minute and 10 seconds or anything like that. I mean, I could sort of understand if he said it was too much for new players to learn, but he's complaining that people that don't care about the meta find the meta too hard.

Allied, bro. If you don't want like this game, don't play this game. That's all there is to it. You enjoy HotS? Go play HotS.

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