Grinches of Reddit, what do you hate most about Christmas?

My family is very particular about Christmas. They won’t gift cash, they give me a limit for how expensive of a gift I can ask for, and they all get hella mad if you don’t get them the exact gift(s) they asked for. There is 0 religious aspect to the way we celebrate to top it all off.

Problem is, everything I could possibly want these days exceeds their gift cost limit, and I can’t ask for cash, so I wind up getting bull shit like a couple graphic t-shirts and socks every year.

It just seems so pointless to me as well because we all send each other links for things we want and pretend to act surprised when we get those exact things (within the spending limit!) on Christmas morning. For the amount of money we’re all spending in each other, we could probably just buy what we wanted for ourselves and skip the “Oh wooow! It’s that DVD collection I sent you the link for! Thaaaanks!” crap.

Fuck Christmas.

/r/AskReddit Thread