Guess who has two thumbs, graduated from Wellesley, went to Yale Law and is still not being indicted by Mueller!!

Well when you say 'history', you probably mean - 1. Benghazi, the all time favourite of republicans: well, allow me to point out that it was an honest mistake, that responsibility was taken and that it was actually way bellow her level as secretary of state to deal with security in specific facilities, so her responsibility for this matter is by proxy, due to her subordinates that may have predated her (note that if responsibility for criminal acts should pass by proxy, then Trump should be on his way out). Also, considering half of what we hear about Trump, I'd say it's time to put it to rest. 2. Emails - acquitted, and if we're moving into conspiracy theory territory, I'll have to stop you right there, considering I rather like it here where there is basic logic to arguments.

I'd love if you could elaborate on the democratic party's inability to support a leftist agenda, especially considering republicans love crying about how the leftists ruined their country for the last eight years; can't eat the cake and leave it whole.

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