This guy spends over 2 minutes trying to justify sucking an infants bloody penis

The problem is that Religion is created by man for man, edited as needed, and interpreted very differently person by person or generation by generation---preached with the corruption of massive personal bias camouflaged in the cape of a spiritual authority figure.

True spirituality...can never be taught or 'handed down'.....because the source of the revelation does not come from within. To be taught spirituality, is to be taught another persons interpretation and version of what morality is supposed to be....that interpretation based on a completely different life of experiences and history.

People also use religion, and the clearly evil or corrupted parts of it, to justify their illogical hatred/anger/violence against someone.....simply because they lack the capacity to control their fear, and they are profoundly handicapped when it comes to meaningful and empathetic communication. Or, they are exploiting and warping religious text for greed, conquest, violence, revenge, and most importantly.....Power.

For millenia, children, or us, have been indoctrinated into accepting our parents or communities religion or beliefs.....and to even question it or be suspicious was profoundly taboo, and a clearly defined sin. If we did not show faith, and accept what we were being taught without question.....we were clearly in the grips of the devil or evil deity of that religion.....look at Eve eating from the tree of life! Many interpret her eating from the Tree of Knowledge, which removed them both from the blissful ignorance of being animals.

That same disregard is advocated for people with suspicion and curiosity, investigation, or clearly reviled because it is viewed as challenging God....when in reality, we are questioning whether very old transcripts....transcripts and books that can easily be corrupted or changed by people in power.....are really divine instructions......

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