What comes to mind when you hear the term "progressive"?

Are government, and industrial force, that different?

We're specifically talking about Progressivism, and as many point out, they thing of the early 20th century, and in that, programs like the New Deal.

If you actually look at a lot of New Deal programs, they have caused, and continue to cause real problems. Those New Deal dams have caused the extinction and endangerment of dozens of species of fish that we will never have again. Those dams have stole land from the natives, that they will never see again. Those dams have inundated hundreds of miles of archeological sites, that could lead to finding the origins of humans in North America. That's just what the Progressive dams have done, and not taking into account the clear cutting of forests, or the other power projects that still cause dire problems today by inundating entire towns under toxic fly ash.

While I'm not saying "industrial force" has not lead to deaths of many people, or to the enslaving of many, but their transgressions pale in comparison to what has been done under guise of the government, in the name of "progress."

The Progressive movement in the US in the early 20th century, has lead to horrible atrocities. Hitler and the Nazi regime modeled several of the genocidal plans off of specifically progressive policies advocated by the progressive movement in America, like eugenics, which lead to the final solution. They based their concentration camp slave programs, literally off of New Deal works programs. Hitler sold a new German utopia, in exactly the same way the New Deal was sold to America. While you may think of this as some babbling, but Hitler wrote in Mein Kamph, and noted elsewhere that he specifically studied American Progressivism, and based a lot of his programs around it.

If given a choice of having to deal with an "industrial force", or a "government force", I would take "industrial force" any day, over the atrocities committed by government, specifically progressive governments.

/r/PoliticalDiscussion Thread