Do you guys agree that your first year of university/first year out of high school is your final year as a teen?

I mean I consider 18 and 19 a teen because they literally still are a teen. However, I consider them in a different life stage than people under who haven’t graduated yet.

I usually just think of 18 to 22 year olds as college aged people. We had a freshman orientation week at my college with just the freshmen who were dorming and it was fun. However, after that I never felt separated or treated differently than other students.

I think that’s the beauty of college is that people are more open minded and want to treat others as equals. There was no “I’m not sitting with a freshman” attitude that you would find in a high school cafeteria. I guess everyone’s experience is different, but I felt I fit in nicely and almost immediately.

But obviously everyone in college is still young. It doesn’t matter if you are 18 or 21 you are gonna make some decisions at times that when you look back on them after 30 you may wish you made differently, but that’s okay you need to make those mistakes to grow into the person you are meant to be.

You will also be making some decisions better compared to the decisions you made in high school. The whole thing is really a learning and growing and finding yourself process. The brain doesn’t reach full development until 25 and impulse control is one of the last things to fully develop.

Just know no matter what label you give to yourself or that you think society gives to you that you are exactly where you are meant to be. Numbers will matter less and less the older you get.

/r/generationology Thread