Why do some late 90s borns here act as if mid 90s borns are hard to relate to?

Idiot. On this sub, I’m the one that doesn’t care about being viewed as older. Did you ever see me group myself with older people ? Go through all my posts and comments, and if you ever saw me group myself with older people over mid 2000s babies tell me. I was born in 2003, and on this sub, first of all 2003 babies are kinda rare, but also you won’t see any of us (03ers) grouping our birth year with older ones. Maybe a lot of 2002 babies try to be millennials, but not us. And for me, I think that gen z should start in 2000/1. I don’t wanna be in a generation with people born in the 2nd millennium. So when you talk, don’t say “y’all”. Because me and most 03ers don’t care about that kinda stuff. Did u hear me ? Good.

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