Gym goers of Reddit, what is something (protocol, etiquette, tips, etc.) that new year resolution-ers should know about the gym?

Gains are 80% diet 20% lifting

Changing your body is a slow process, but persistence will get you there

Most supplements are junk, whey can help you hit your macros, creatine is safe and effective, caffeine helps to be motivated in the gym

Do your compound lifts, you need to be benching and squatting, I personally don’t like to deadlift, but many people will suggest you DL too.

Find a nice beginner program and stick to it, don’t play with the programming, just follow it exact. Starting strength and strong lifts 5x5 are great introductory programs

Form > weight

Push yourself, you’re in the gym to be better, work hard so you don’t have to regret not pushing yourself later in the day

You’ll be less sore after workouts once your body gets used to you being a bro

Caloric surplus to build muscle, caloric deficit to lose weight

If you only use machines and not free weights everyone at the gym will assume you sit when you pee

Be the biggest guy at your gym, if you aren’t the biggest, get a new gym

Everything is a bicep exercise if you’re creative enough

Thank the swoly spirit after performing reps for Jesus

You’re probably starting lifting to be more attractive or get girls, maybe you just had a bad breakup and wanna get back at your ex with a new great body. As you progress in the gym you’ll come to realize that it’s no longer about getting girls and instead is about 1 feeling incredible after crushing a great workout and 2 being bigger than the other dudes that also lift.

Don’t be afraid to ask for a spot or advice from fellow gym bros, they’re not trainers, but generally speaking most everyone at the gym is nice and actually does not care if you look like a skeleton or the Michelin man. You’ll get to where you wanna be. Goodluck crushing the gym this year everyone,

/r/AskReddit Thread