I had an abortion at 27 weeks. The House 20-week abortion bill feels like a slap in the face.

I read your story and am so sorry for your loss. I'm in a very blue state & can relate to the slow healthcare issue. I posted my story to r/miscarriage. I had a septic miscarriage in January. Not many people even know what that is, but every woman should. I had a baby with no heartbeat and was sent home to miscarry. This was after an initial scan with a low heartbeat & enlarged sac where the baby was given a 50/50 shot. After this I had the scan with no heartbeat, followed by a follow up an ultrasound a week later. The doctor forced me to have 2 more ultra sounds, each 2 weeks apart even though it was so evident it was over. Weeks later I still hadn't discharged anything,no bleeding. I did have hypothermia, yellowing skin, discharge & flu like symptoms which I told my doctor, and even after a trip to the ER begging for help I was never given any options. It was as if all the healthcare providers wanted to be politically correct or protect their own liability and were so afraid claims I was of forced into an abortion. I was basically bed ridden as my system was slowly being poisoned from infection.It wasn't until I brought a family member and got asked to speak with the practice manager & demanded a d&c to end my misery was I helped. At the hospital by band said "abortion" and from check in I was treated with disdain. What should it matter if it was my choice to end a viable pregnancy or if this was a missed miscarriage & needed to end to save my uterus from rupturing? I'm still a human being. I am so sorry you had to go through this. If my baby had lived it is likely from the enlarged sac and other things I was told that there were fatal chromosomal abnormalities, I could have been you. I am so thankful you shared your story & are standing up to laws that hurt families with unviable pregnancies.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread