Had different talks with different politicians regarding the future of jobs and concepts like UBI.

Well fortunately most of those highly stressful jobs will become less stressful when the AI is advanced enough to assist.

Doctors won't earn the same. They will get the same basic income, but they will also get their large salary on top. Does that not actually give them more incentive to work?

The main point that here, I think, is actually that we have all been brainwashed to believe 'people only work because they are incentivised with money, especially if the job is difficult'.

That is not true.

People will work for new, better reasons. They will no longer have to worry about putting food on the table or paying the bills, so they will be able to train for and participate in jobs/roles they actually love doing. What will this mean? A huge leap forward in almost all areas of life.

Let me go down this rabbit hole further, imagine today we could tell every single undergraduate that they will have no financial worries a head of them, no matter what subject they chose, even if they failed, they would still be safe in the knowledge they would still have access to food, water and shelter. This would instantly free all of those potentially great minds to dream.

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