TIL about Dina Sanichar, a boy who was raised by wolves until the age of six, when he was discovered by hunters (1867). He was never really able to adapt himself to civilized society and died in 1895 of tuberculosis.

I read that the brainwaves change at 9 years old and whatever you saw, learned and experienced before 9 years old is like programming a software and the rest of our lives, we just run that programmed software. As someone with CPTSD raised by violent parents and I've intentionally been single for 8 years because I saw that I was attracted to abusive men (I'm 29) and I keep my distance even with female friends because of how my mother was with me, I tend to attract needy women, these articles scare me that I'll be like this for the rest of my life. I'm in therapy and I try to evolve everyday as a human but I feel for them, it must've been exasperating

/r/todayilearned Thread Link - en.wikipedia.org