Half of the world's beaches could disappear by the end of the century, study finds

Ah the planets dying and the south is still too self centered to do anything about it. I cant wait for the day their farming subsidies dont show up and the whole shit show goes belly up and they can stop enabling the western world to ruin the planet.

Thanks for letting my home go underwater first, you selfish cucks, just know once thats gone I have no concern for making the waves stop before your house, an eye for an eye will truly make these stupid naunces see, their current philosophy can only exist because the north floats their economies and refuses to force them to be accountable for their true sin, im not talking distracting manipulating topics like gay marriage and abortion which only still matter because the south is still as pea brained as it was 40 years ago.

Pardon my rant just stuff like this sends me into a deep depression and I only hope that the people who enabled this to feel the same way I do. Lost, hopeless, dedicated to a life path where in you only hope to help others, but realize the ones you once wanted to help were part of the problem, that your whole life goal was purposeless. Atleast I'll know how to build good walls to keep the stupid out, thats an idea i know the south can get behind, they'll relaize how fucked up it is once their on the other side of my wall, instead of forcing others to the other side of theirs.

An eye for an eye makes the world see. Stupidity, lack of respect, and lack of perspective on life is removed when people understand the repercussions of their actions. There is no other reason that humans stay in line and any organization that becomes good at having humans fear repercussions will last forever. Eg China, the catholic church, etc. Carnegie Melon once said only evil men die with money, becayse he feared eternal damnation, now if you look to someone of comparative modern wealth like Jeff Bezos, you will find no such universities, and just enough donations to stay in headlines positively.

/r/Futurology Thread Link - cnn.com