Why is this so hard?

Step 1: Admit you want to quit Step 2: TRIANGULATE YOUR TRIGGERS Step 2 Addendum: I say triangulate for a reason. You can't just "know" your triggers, you have to be able to spot them a mile away and deal with them before they deal with you. This is easier said when the pull nicotine has over you is weaker, and you make it weaker by smoking a little less every week. Which leads into Step 3: Wean off of Nicotine. Nicotine is a drug. Unless you have militaristic discipline, chances are you will not be able to quit cold turkey. Every other method is a hack. Vaping can work if you like vapes, I hated vapes, but to each his/her own. Seriously, I spent 5 years out of the 8 years I smoked trying to quit cold turkey and failed miserably. Finally decided to just smoke less every week, and bought some trident gum (the 180 piece you can find at a local grocery store for about 5 bucks) and used that to offset the need to oral fixation. Step 4: Do not beat yourself up when you smoke. That only makes it worse. If you have followed the previous steps, it will help you to understand yourself. Step 5: Talk as little about quitting as humanly possible. Talking about it means you care that other people care that you quit. Granted some so, in my case all of my friends were smokers and wanted me to keep smoking, so I was SOL. If you have any kind of support, that's good, but do not constantly go to them saying "i made it one week" "look at me i made it two weeks" this is not about them. This is about you. This is your burden, and no one elses. You dug yourself into this pit, and you damn well better know that you can dig yourself out. Step 6: NEVER GIVE UP, NEVER SURRENDER!

/r/stopsmoking Thread